Sunday, February 8, 2009

Divine Intersections

My definition of a divine intersection is a event that has been engineered beforehand by God where your life and the life of another crosses and you both come away changed. This change can be in your heart, or in the path your life is on, but I believe that the greatest divine intersection is not what helps you or me, but what helps another.
I recently experienced a series of divine intersections while traveling on business. For the sake of brevity, I will only share my favorite. It seemed like a normal work day for me in Memphis. It has been a very long day and I was missing my husband so much. I was headed back to my hotel room after supper that evening and looking forward to reading my book and going to sleep. I stood in the hotel lobby waiting on the elevator, trying to be patient, as the elevator was particularly slow that night. I stay in this hotel frequently so I know when things do not go as normal and I thought to myself, "Good grief this thing is slow tonight". Finally the elvator door opened, I got on, pushed the button to go up, and then a man who appeared to be quite troubled in his spirit got on with me. I said "How are you this evening?" This man (probably in his 30's) shared that his little girl was very sick and would I please pray for her? I asked him for her name which he quickly gave me, and then I began to pray out loud for his little girl as the elevator door opened and kept praying as those doors closed. I knew I would never see him again. When I had finished my prayer I said to God "You are amazing!". I was waiting on a late elevator so God could place me and this man together so that I could pray for his little girl and bring this young father a cup of comfort. Amazing! The other amazing thing was I was a complete stranger to this man and still he asked me to pray for his dear one. How could he have known I was a Christian or had any faith at all? I don't wear a cross or label pin giving any hints to the fact that I love Jesus. I sure do hope and pray it was my countenance and not just his desparation that caused him to reach out to me.
The purpose for sharing this experience is that you and I never know when or where those divine intersections will come, and because we don't know what each day holds, we need to stay ready to offer assistance to whomever asks. My friends, we are all born from the same Creator God and His very nature is of compassion and mercy. Ours should be as well.

1 comment:

Emily Ann said...

Precious, Barbara, only in that frame of mind of hurting could you sense another's hurt. Thank you for sharing.