Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Power of Influence

Let me tell you about my friend Emily. She is 80 years young this month and full of life. She is a writer of music and poems, an artist, and a musician who also teaches and plays keyboard in our church. Most importantly, she has a light surrounding her face that draws you to her and makes her an absolute joy to be around.

I met Emily a couple of years ago when my husband and I changed churches(big one to small one)and we were intrigued by her because she was playing keyboard with a church band (guitars and drums and singers) and their music was contemporary. I thought to myself, "I want to get to know her". "She has to be a very interesting person". Many months later, I joined the Praise Team and got to know Miss Emily, as she is so fondly referred to in our church. I found her to be very encouraging and extremely flexible. She could keep a smile even when the music leader wants her to transpose a song during rehearsal or change the tempo. This kind of stuff would send a lot of musicians out the door. But not Miss Emily. Anyway, I had not sang in church or in any public forum in many years and was a little nervous at the first few rehearsals. Emily told me that I had a pretty voice and she wanted to hear me sing more. That was a word I needed to hear. Because of her encouragement I continued to sing.

I also observed Emily in other ministry settings and noticed how well she related and encouraged everyone who was in her path. I could she how much she loves God and therefore loves everyone else making her the most precious person I have met in a long time. More time passed and the Women's Ministry asked me to help start a mentoring program. Through many weeks of study/training with a group of 11 women, I got to know Emily even deeper and asked her to be my mentor. Her response was priceless. She said "What for?". I chuckled to myself and thought, "I wish I was so humble". I shared with Emily that I needed her to share with me her secret. "What secret", she said with a puzzled look on her face. I told her that with all she has to do in a day (a wife, church web-master, keyboard player, piano teacher, and managing the church prayer chain, how does she still find time for her painting and writing? Her energy is amazing. But to be honest, I just wanted her influence in my life. She agreed to mentor me and we have grown to be very dear friends.

We had lunch yesterday to celebrate her 80th birthday (June 16th was the day), and I saw my opportunity to share with Emily what I have learned from her.
#1) Never let go of your inner child.
#2) Believe the best in people even when they let you down.
We got interrupted by an over-zealous waiter so I didn't get to finish, so here are the other 3 key learning's.
#3) Serve others and you will always have joy - even in the hard times.
#4) Take risks. Use your talents and skills to bless others. Stop thinking "I am not good enough". I need that lesson cause I lean toward the perfectest side....eek.
#5) Have a creative outlet and make time for it. God gave you talents and even if He is your only audience....well, that is why you were given the talent to begin with. To give it back to Him.

Thank you Miss Emily! You are a treasure and I love you dearly! Happy Birthday and may God grant you many more.

1 comment:

Ginger Peterson said...

Yes, Emily is very special to so many people! She truly is living her life in service to our Lord and Savior. Love you, Emily!!!
