Saturday, November 1, 2008

Running a Marathon

Using the example of a marathon runner has always helped me understand how a successful life is created. A marathon is filled with challenges in route to the finish line such as rocks to trip over, pot-holes to step into, steep inclines to climb over, and the "nineteenth mile" to push through. To complete a marathon you will need, not only physical stamina and strength, but also the mental determination to cross that finish line no matter how much it hurts and what tricks your mind is playing on you. There is a lot of pain and adversity for sure, but marathon runners train for it. They get a coach to show them how it's done, and then bond to other runners for encouragement and support. You and I will create a successful life similarly to these runners.
1) Have a goal
You and I cannot get anywhere unless we know where we are going. Ask yourself "What do I want to do with my life"? Really think about it. Don't just say something vague like I want to me a good mom, or a good wife, or a successful business woman. Be specific. I have used short-term goals (1-2 years to completion) and then mid-term goals (3-5 years to completion) and finally long-term goals (6-15 years).
2) Make a plan
Write down the steps you will need to take to reach your goal. Do not make the mistake of thinking "I can make a mental note. I don't need to write them down". It is so easy for us to get distracted. In fact, I post my hand-written list on a bulletin board I frequently look at.
3) Align yourself with women who are encourager's.
We become like the people we hang out with. Don't think otherwise. You can't maintain close friendships with people who are negative and complaining and expect to get encouraged or have your goals supported. It won't happen. Wy? Because unhappy people only like unhappy people and if you are happy, they will work at getting you to join them in being unhappy too! Anyway, one of these encouraging women (possibly a new friend or someone you have not been close to before) will most likely end up being your coach. Some call them mentors, but typically they are women who are givers and want to help you get to your goal. They have arrived at some goals they set for themselves so they know how it's done. Don't be afraid to ask them for help. Encourager's and giver's love to help others.
4) Begin with the end in mind.
Stay focused or you can get derailed just like a train whose engineer took his eyes of the track. I know this first hand. I have been derailed more than once by well-meaning friends, activities, and even myself! Keep your eyes on the prize ladies! Keep moving forward!
5) Be prepared for obstacles.
Do not think for a minute that you can just float through to the finish line. This Polly-Anna thinking that everything will always go your way and everyone is on your side is setting yourself up for failure. You must press through every challenge (rocks, pot-holes, steep inclines).
6) Finally, Keep a good attitude.
This is absolutely key for any life to be successful. I use positive books, pod casts, music, prayer and mediation to keep me up-beat. My family can always tell when I haven't been feeding my soul with positive thoughts and influences. What you believe in your heart will come out of your mouth, your body, and your actions. You simple cannot and will not be happy or reach your goal successfully without a positive attitude. One of my favorite authors says "Life depends on 10% of what happens to you and 90% on how you respond to it".

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