Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Time to Heal

I have learned that emotional healing is a choice just like choosing happiness over sadness; positive thoughts over negative ones. This type of inner healing is a conscious decision to be made.
I recently made a choice to heal my heart from some serious hurts and wounds. They were fiery darts/daggers piercing my heart, thrown by someone who was also was hurting. Let me interject here that hurting people hurt people. It has taken me nearly a year to get this event behind me. You see, I believed their words and the downward spiral of self-hatred began. It was a debilitating seed planted in my consciousness. So much so that I dreamed about it almost every night. I forgave everyone involved except myself. Finally, my husband and youngest daughter told me point-blank, your emotional healing will not come until you forgive yourself for not being perfect. They asked me why I wouldn't take the forgiveness God gives to all humanity for myself. It was then that I finally saw how right they were. So I made the decision to take God's mercy and receive it for myself. The next part of the healing process was to let go of the past and move on. I didn't realize how tightly I was holding on to something that happening 30 plus years ago! Such heartbreak for a young woman of 19-20 years of age in the 70's. I cut myself some slack as I had done to those throwing the darts. I was a kid when all of this heartache transpired.
Now, I have come to see that God allowed this buried pain to bubble up and re-surface from the deep so I could be healed and be free from it forever. To get the job done I had to be willing to let it let that darkness be replaced by the Light.
To whoever might be reading this today, I say to you, if you have any hurts buried in your heart and you haven't been able to get past the pain, I encourage you to purge that rotten thing out of your heart, turn away from it, move in a new direction toward a bright future and receive total freedom so you can live your life in peace. You can't do it alone. It will take God's help.

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