Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's A Love Revolution - Baby!

I just returned from a women's conference in St. Louis where more than 10,000 women gathered to join hands and hearts to worship God, enjoy fellowship, and hear what we needed to hear. And that something was to let go of selfishness (what about me) and start a revolution of love in our homes, our neighborhoods, our communities and even more so to those who are enduring the rejection and pain of abuse, human traffic-ing, and starvation. We can no longer turn our backs on those that don't fit into our self-proclaimed molds.

God calls us to eagerly pursue love, but it took me along time to understand what love really is. That was because I didn't love myself until I was well into my adult years.....middle years. That was when I finally got it!!!!! Love was not a feeling, but a verb. Love is a thing of action. The passion to do something for someone else because I chose to. Not because that person deserved it, but because I had received real love from and acceptance from Jesus Christ. I had tried to earn love from doing good things, but my heart was still closed off. Why? because I wasn't perfect and I never felt worthy of being loved.

Two broken marriages later and years on my knees praying for God's help, He spoke to my heart and I understood. God had opened my eyes to what real love is. It is accepting someone as they are and reaching out to them with comfort, help in their trials and friendship. I no longer expected my family to measure up to my sense of perfection. I let go of all my religion and put on love (an act of my will) and out of that love I began to give. I gave money at first, because it was easy. But then as time went on, I discovered that people need to be loved much more than they need money. Oh, I still give money sacrifically to the causes I think God would want me to. But, I also give my time and my talents (we all have some)to help someone else. This was a real life changer. A miracle of peace and purpose came to me.

For many years now, I continue to experience peace and happiness! A sense of purpose fills my heart everyday. My purpose is to love God and love others by offering help to someone, encourage someone, and be a friend to someone everyday day. This includes family! Hubby is first, then kids, then parents, etc. etc.

Here's a RX in lieu of medication, when I wake up with a blue mood, I find a need in someone else's life and fill it. Once I complete this little RX, my blue mood disappears. Imagine that!

Think about this....If the greatest thing in the world is love, and if everyone in the world would concentrate on loving people, then wouldn't the problems of this world disappear? We can make a difference, one person at a time.

Reference: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

1 comment:

Emily Ann said...

And I felt the Jesus-Love you wrote about. I am glad you blogged about that retreat. What a blessing to take it in. I could feel the your writing. I'm glad you blogged your heart!