Saturday, June 19, 2010

Flowers and a Soul Vacation Day

I felt the dirt under my fingernails as I potted the remaining flowers on my back deck. The dirt was warm and a little dry as the heat reached around 90 degrees. The fierce heat causing the flowers such stress they wilted easily. But when the cool, refreshing water was poured over them, their stalks stood back up and the leaves opened to receive the cool refreshment. Watching this I was reminded of how parched and dry I get when the heat of trouble comes. It stresses me and gives me chest pain as the anxiety bubbles up from within. However, this stress and strain also causes me to appreciate the refreshing Living Water I receive when I run to God's Word.
My dryness comes when the anxious worry over takes me and instead of running to God for direction and comfort, I run through all the possible scenerios that a present trouble could bring. Foolishness!

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

There are many things I cannot change. I can't change the weather, but God can; I can't change someone who is hell-bent on destroying their life, but God can; I cannot control what other people do or say and God choses not to, but I can control myself. How? Through submission to God and what He would have me do or say causing me to manage my emotions correctly.

Submit to God - Stand firm in Faith - and the devil will flee. I declare my soul is on vacation as I turn over control to God for the things I cannot do anything about. BTW - that's about everything.

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