Friday, July 2, 2010

Morning Stillness - His Mercies are New Every Morning

Early morning is my favorite time of day. I sit on my back porch deck admiring the flowers I planted and breathing in their beauty. I watch the hummingbirds feed and chase each other many times buzzing straight through the deck and over my head with a swoosh! I listen to the quiet noise of the forest that begins at the edge of my back yard. There is the woodpecker who has found a dead tree about 2 acres back and pecks his way through. He is big with beautiful black, red and white feathers. In the Fall I will see squirrels gathering the nuts from our trees as they drop their acorns. I love that scent of autumn. Also there is a family of deer that bed down just over the hill and walk through our property noticing me, but never fearing me. A special treat is when my neighbor is sitting outside playing his fiddle. A talented man, father of four, husband of a hard-working gal with more concerns than she should have to bare.
On my back deck I prepare for the day by drinking my coffee, reading my Bible, praying, and listen to the morning stillness. It has a sound all it's own. This morning stillness is where I commune with God. I hear His gentle voice speaking words of encouragement, giving insight into how to solve life's challenges, but most of all providing peace. That is how I know God is near. Peace and contentment is His calling card. And with that peace, my heart is filled with love, joy, gratitude, and hope. I want to help somebody, be an encourager, make the most of my day by being a friend to someone in need. These emotions are all God inspired. For I cannot take back any "lost" days. Lost days are those days when I am not at peace and enjoying stillness, not being thankful, not loving others. I pray that I have very few lost days of missed opportunity to be a blessing to someone else. Thankfully, God allows me to begin again each morning and choose to enjoy His stillness. His mercies are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23

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